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Distributors and Service Managers

The Cost of Service

Stop Fuel Related Service Calls!

The following is a chart to assist you in calculating how much your company spends on service calls per heating season. An example is shown, followed by a template so you may print it and calculate the amount of money your company is spending on service calls per heating season.

Number of service calls daily
% of calls fuel-related
(Industry average=50%)
Number of fuel-related
service calls daily
Cost of service call
(Industry average = $75 per call*)
Fuel related service calls x
Cost of service call =
= Cost per day
Cost of calls per day x
5 day work week =
= Cost per week
Cost of calls per week x
4 week month =
= Cost per month
Cost of calls per month x 6 =


= Cost per season

Use the template above to calculate your service call costs per heating season, substituting your numbers in the center column and making the appropriate calculations. And then contact us for information on minimizing your costs and increasing your profits!

For more information call Fuel Management Services at (732) 929-1964 or contact us.

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